PREVIEW: This an an example of the program you'll be building today!

  • Click Run to see the example.
  • Click Ticket and type your answer beneath each question.
  • Click Submit and Next .

Notice that all the numbers are blue and the text is green. Today, we'll be learning about different data types.

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

stage.set_background("concert") sprite = codesters.Sprite("person1") sprite.set_speed(3) sprite.move_down(100) sprite.flip_up_down() sprite.move_left(200) sprite.move_right(150) stage.wait(1) sprite.flip_up_down() sprite.wait(2) sprite.turn_right(360) sprite.wait(2) sprite.flip_right_left() stage.wait(.3) sprite.flip_right_left() stage.wait(.3) sprite.flip_right_left() stage.wait(.3) sprite.move_back(100) sprite.flip_up_down() sprite.move_forward(100) sprite.flip_up_down() sprite.move_up(50) stage.wait(.1) sprite.move_down(50) stage.wait(.3) sprite.move_up(50) stage.wait(.1) sprite.move_down(50) stage.wait(.3) sprite.move_up(50) stage.wait(.1) sprite.move_down(50) sprite.wait(2) sprite.turn_right(360) sprite.wait(2)
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